KalFos is a unique, spreadable renewable fertiliser that is rich in key nutrients. It contains high amounts of calcium and phosphate, which help improve soil fertility and plant nutrient levels, making it an effective replacement to expensive, manufactured fertilisers.
High acid rainfall and the demands of agricultural farming have led to nutrient depletion and lower soil pH values. This leads to a lower yield from crop and livestock. The application of KalFos on farmland increases soil pH values and nutrient uptake. This stimulates plant growth which improves crop and grass yield.
KalFos is a coarse powder and is best spread using a lime spreading/moving belt machine. KalFos can be spread up to 12 metres bout width, and we have a network of distributors across the country if you do not have your own spreading machinery. KalFos is available in two grades, tailored to your budget and spreading requirements:
KalFos A is conditioned to aid dust suppression and screened to 30mm down, to get rid of any larger lumps that may have formed in storage. This is ideal for an even coverage up to 12 metres depending on spreading equipment and intermediate handling.
KalFos B is a cost-effective option, and is supplied 'sold as seen'. Whilst this grade does not go through screening or further conditioning once it has been produced, it still passes our crucial quality checks in terms of nutrient content and neutralising value.
KalFos can be tipped and stored on any hardstanding or free-draining surface. KalFos application can be undertaken year-round, as it is not subject to any regulatory closed periods or restrictions, and is of long-term benefit to both grass and neutralising value. Phosphate is valuable to increase the rooting growth of crops, and when applied to stubbles and cultivated through the soil profile, KalFos provides phosphate where the roots can easily absorb it. Unlike water-soluble TSP, the phosphate in KalFos is acid-soluble, meaning plant roots, as they exude acid, will be able to take up the phosphate, but it will not get washed off the field with heavy rainfall or flood conditions. When KalFos is applied to grass, the ideal timing is before a rain shower, but dewy conditions will also help KalFos work into the soil.
KaFos has been fully assessed by the Enviroment Agency's End of Waste panel, and was awarded End of Waste status in 2014. This assessment included aspects of its safe use as a fertilising agent and soil improver, as well as placing tight controls on the feedstocks we can use to produce it and the method of production we have to adhere to. Feedstocks come from clients who are farmers, abattoirs and food processors. KalFos is then ultimately used to grow crops and grass which feed animals, creating a closed-loop production system. KalFos is produced by rendering and incinerating Animal By-Products, under an approval from DEFRA and a permit from the Environment Agency. The system used ensures no plant, animal or human pathogens are carried over from the feedstock to the end product. Following the strict rules and regulations that govern the production process mean KalFos can be utilised as a fertiliser without requiring Environment Agency land spreading permits and deployments, or observing grazing/harvesting intervals found in Animal By-Product Regulations. As KalFos has been assessed by the EA and DEFRA and is no longer a waste or Animal By-Product, it can be utilised on land covered by various farm assurance schemes, including The Red Tractor Scheme.